
The company MyClinic s.r.o. publishes, in accordance with § 9, paragraph 2, letter b) of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the Protection of Whistleblowers (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), the following information:

  • Notifications to the Ministry of Justice can be made using the method specified at https://oznamovatel.justice.cz.

  • Notifications through the internal reporting system can be submitted in writing, orally, or in person to the relevant person.

  • The relevant person is: Mgr. Michaela Slunčíková, e-mail: m.sluncikova@myclinic.cz, telephone number: +420 222900929.

  • MyClinic s.r.o., as the obligated entity, excludes the acceptance of notifications from a person who does not perform work or any similar activity for it according to § 2, paragraph 3, letters a), b), h), or i) of the Act.