
Ablation of cervical polyps

Polyps can occur on the lining of the uterine cavity (endometrial polyp) or cervix (cervical polyp). Most of these are benign, but a definitive diagnosis can only be confirmed after removal of the polyp and histological testing.


Polyps of the uterine cavity can be visualized well with ultrasound. Cervical polyps that may protrude into the vagina may be visible during a conventional gynaecological examination. The diagnosis of cervical polyps usually includes:

  • Gynecological examination.

  • Ultrasound examination.

  • Hysteroscopy, which allows the doctor to see inside the uterus and cervix.

  • Chronic inflammation.

  • Excessive proliferation of mucosal cells.

  • Irregular bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.

  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

  • Bleeding after intercourse.

  • Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding.

  • Bleeding after menopause.

  • Bleeding between menstrual periods.

  • Vaginal discharge that may have an odour due to infection.

  • Difficulty getting pregnant.


Hysteroscopic polyp removal is a minimally invasive procedure performed through the vagina and cervix. The procedure takes only a few minutes.

Team of surgeons

Associate Professor
Dr. Jiří Hanáček, PhD
Head of Gynaecology

More information on the procedure


General or local.

Duration of bed rest and incapacity for work

It is advisable to take it easy on the day of the procedure. Incapacity for work lasta approximately one week.

Follow-up care/treatment

You may experience mild cramping, spotting or discharge for a few days after the procedure. The light bleeding (spotting) stops within about a week, during which time it is necessary to observe hygiene restrictions (no bathing, no sexual intercourse). It is also advisable not to use sanitary tampons for a certain period of time.

Requirements for admission

The patient usually comes in for the planned procedure on the day of surgery to keep the hospital stay as short as possible. From midnight the night before surgery, the patient must avoid eating, drinking, smoking and alcohol consumption. If medication is required, the attending physician must be consulted.

Jewellery, contact lenses and dentures must be removed before the procedure. No make-up or nail polish may be worn.

Price of the surgery

The price range for the procedure is from CZK 14.000 to CZK 27.000, including anesthesia (or analgosedation) with post-procedure rest/hospitalization.

How our clients rate us

Minimally invasive, maximum care

One-day surgery is a concept that involves non-emergency surgical procedures. Its advantage is quick recovery and minimal pre- and post-op stress.

Quick return home

Patients can return home the same day or the day after the surgery. Shorter stays and quicker recovery make the entire process less demanding for clients and their families.

Modern procedures and the latest equipment

The use of certified instruments and high-quality modern technologies and procedures is routine for us. Several of our exceptional instruments are available only at several university hospitals.

A pleasant environment

The layout and interior design of our interiors, well-appointed rooms with all comforts and conveniences, a friendly atmosphere, pleasant and experienced staff. All this helps eliminate stress.

Lower risk of infection

Less time spent at the clinic means a lower likelihood of contracting common hospital infections.

A modern and comfortable environment

Our clinic is designed with your comfort and safety in mind. We combine modern technologies with a friendly environment to make every visit as pleasant as possible. Come explore our premises, which are as enticing as they are functional.

Are you interested in an examination for the procedure?
Contact our clinic.