
Gallbladder surgery

(laparoscopic cholecystectomy)

Cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the gallbladder, and its main purpose is to address problems caused by gallstones, polyps or inflammation. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is planned when the patient does not have acute inflammation of the gallbladder or gallbladder colic. This procedure has the effect of eliminating indigestion and preventing the development of acute inflammation, movement of gallstones into the bile duct, and the development of tumors in a chronically diseased gallbladder.

  • Cholecystolithiasis is the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts.

  • Symptomatic cholecystolithiasis, which is manifested by biliary pain in the right subcostal region and is often accompanied by vomiting.

  • Larger gallbladder polyps are often found by accident on an abdominal ultrasound.

  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.

  • Ultrasound is used for diagnosis.

  • Pain in the right lower back.

  • Prickling, tension, feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

  • Vomiting, hiccups, burping.

  • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

Most cases are asymptomatic, which means that the patient is unaware of the presence of gallstones, which cause no discomfort and are often discovered by accident during other abdominal examinations. The dyspeptic form is manifested by digestive problems such as abdominal and epigastric pain, a feeling of fullness, flatulence, lack of appetite, belching, irregular stools or diarrhoea. The typical manifestation of gallstones is a gallbladder or colic attack, characterised by sudden pain in the right lower or upper abdomen, passing to the back and under the shoulder blade, and often accompanied by nausea or vomiting that brings no relief.


There is an increased incidence in women over 40 years of age, after childbirth and in obese people.

Gallstones can be caused by increased saturation of bile with cholesterol, excessive food intake, or the presence of infection and inflammation. Use of steroids, contraceptives and excessive consumption of dietary fats and proteins can also increase the risk of gallstones. However, inadequate fat intake, irregular eating, and fasting can also promote their formation.


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed using endoscopic laparoscopic optics and special instruments. The duration of the procedure varies between 30 minutes and 1.5 hours, depending on complexity. During the operation, the surgeon first frees the gallbladder from adhesions and reveals the bile ducts. He/she then cuts off the blood supply to the gallbladder and its outlet into the bile duct using special titanium clamps, and releases the gallbladder and gallstones from the liver bed and removes them from the abdominal cavity. At the end of the operation, a thin plastic drain is inserted into the abdominal cavity to drain away any remaining body fluids and secretions, including blood.

Team of surgeons

Associate Professor
Dr. Barbora East,
Chief of Surgery

More information on the surgery


Laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anaesthesia.

Duration of bed rest and incapacity for work

After laparoscopy, the patient is placed in the recovery unit for monitoring. They can usually get out of bed by the evening (or about 3 hours after the procedure) and start drinking fluids. Light foods can be eaten after bowel function has recovered, usually on the second postoperative day depending on how the surgery went.

Incapacity for work usually lasts two to four weeks, depending on the difficulty of the patient’s occupation. The patient should take it easy and avoid physically demanding activities and lifting heavy objects for at least three months.

Follow-up care/treatment

Pain in the surgical wound(s) should gradually subside within 48 hours. Significant and persistent pain is a sign of complications and should be discussed with the attending physician.

Vomiting sometimes occurs after general anaesthesia, but usually ceases within 6-12 hours after the procedure.

On the third day after laparoscopy, the surgical wound can be briefly showered without soap and gently dried. After the surgical wound has healed completely, a normal bath is possible. Stitches are usually removed on the seventh to tenth day.

Once bowel function is restored after the procedure, a strict gallbladder diet is recommended for about three weeks.

Requirements for admission

Preoperative preparation includes internal preoperative examinations, blood and urine lab tests, and other examinations as necessary. It also includes a summary of previous illnesses, a list of medications being taken, allergies, and an assessment of the risks associated with general anaesthesia.

The patient usually comes in for the planned procedure on the day of the surgery to keep the hospital stay as short as possible. From midnight the night before the operation, the patient must not eat or drink and must avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. If medication is required, the attending physician must be consulted.

Jewellery, contact lenses and dentures must be removed before the procedure. No make-up or nail polish may be worn.

Price of the surgery

The price range for the procedure is from CZK 75.000 to CZK 150.000, including anesthesia (or analgosedation) with post-procedure rest/hospitalization. We offer a price discount of up to 50% for the use of available dates.

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Minimally invasive, maximum care

One-day surgery is a concept that involves non-emergency surgical procedures. Its advantage is quick recovery and minimal pre- and post-op stress.

Quick return home

Patients can return home the same day or the day after the surgery. Shorter stays and quicker recovery make the entire process less demanding for clients and their families.

Modern procedures and the latest equipment

The use of certified instruments and high-quality modern technologies and procedures is routine for us. Several of our exceptional instruments are available only at several university hospitals.

A pleasant environment

The layout and interior design of our interiors, well-appointed rooms with all comforts and conveniences, a friendly atmosphere, pleasant and experienced staff. All this helps eliminate stress.

Lower risk of infection

Less time spent at the clinic means a lower likelihood of contracting common hospital infections.

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Are you interested in an examination for the procedure?
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