
Treatment of a ruptured meniscus

This very common knee injury is most often caused by excessive load, when the meniscus tears/ruptures due to excessive rotation or twisting of the knee, and can also lead to torn knee ligaments. A more severe case of torn meniscus is easy to recognize - you will feel a sharp stabbing pain in the centre or sides of the knee, you may feel the knee "pop", and sometimes you may also hear a click. The knee may be locked and unable to extend. If the meniscus injury is left untreated for a long time, damage to the articular cartilage and the relevant part of the joint can very quickly occur. This can lead to what is called secondary arthrosis.


You should see a doctor right away, especially in case of stabbing pain and swelling of the knee. The doctor may use imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT or sonography to determine the severity of the injury. For diagnosis, arthroscopy is used; this minimally invasive procedure allows the inside of the knee joint to be examined and if needed the damaged cartilage is cleaned, excess tissue is removed and torn structures are stitched together.


The surgery is performed arthroscopically via via small incisions. The procedure itself lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Team of surgeons

MUDr. Robert Frei
Head of Orthopaedics

Dr. Petr Mašát PhD

Dr. Viktor Řeháček

More information on the procedure


The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia or anaesthesia from the waist down.

Duration of bed rest and incapacity for work

In an outpatient procedure, the patient is discharged home on the day of surgery. After the procedure, knee fixation with a brace and subsequent rehabilitation for 4-10 weeks is essential. Disability after meniscus surgery is usually up to 4 weeks, but this is decided by the attending physician depending on how the damaged joint is healing.

Follow-up care/treatment

Rehabilitation (physical therapy, exercise programme, or even hydrotherapy) plays a key role in the treatment of meniscus injuries. You should minimize movement of the knee joint and use crutches. If pain persists after the procedure, meniscus repair should be considered.

Price of the surgery

The price range for the procedure is from CZK 35.000 to CZK 55.000, including anesthesia (or analgosedation) with post-procedure rest/hospitalization. We offer a price discount of up to 50% for the use of available dates.

How our clients rate us

Minimally invasive, maximum care

One-day surgery is a concept that involves non-emergency surgical procedures. Its advantage is quick recovery and minimal pre- and post-op stress.

Quick return home

Patients can return home the same day or the day after the surgery. Shorter stays and quicker recovery make the entire process less demanding for clients and their families.

Modern procedures and the latest equipment

The use of certified instruments and high-quality modern technologies and procedures is routine for us. Several of our exceptional instruments are available only at several university hospitals.

A pleasant environment

The layout and interior design of our interiors, well-appointed rooms with all comforts and conveniences, a friendly atmosphere, pleasant and experienced staff. All this helps eliminate stress.

Lower risk of infection

Less time spent at the clinic means a lower likelihood of contracting common hospital infections.

A modern and comfortable environment

Our clinic is designed with your comfort and safety in mind. We combine modern technologies with a friendly environment to make every visit as pleasant as possible. Come explore our premises, which are as enticing as they are functional.

Are you interested in an examination for the procedure?
Contact our clinic.