MUDr. Petr Mašát, Ph.D.
2018-present - Vršovická zdravotní a.s., Prague, head of orthopaedic department
2016-present - Centre for Medical Support of Sports Representations, ambulance doctor
2008-present - Beroun Hospital, Arthroscopic Centre - Jessenia a.s., arthroscopic surgery
2004-present - Codum s.r.o., Prague-Modřany, ambulance doctor
2012-2018 - Hospital Hořovice, deputy head of the orthopaedic department
2009-2012 - Orthopaedic Clinic for Children and Adults, 2nd Medical Faculty and Motol University Hospital, Head of the Department, Assistant Professor
1999-2009 - Orthopaedic Clinic for Children and Adults, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and Motol University Hospital, physician
2005-2008 - Faculty Thomayer Hospital Krc - orthopaedic consultant
2000-2002 - Czech national hockey team 17, HC Slavia Praha and Prague Panthers, doctor
1995-2002 - Department of Functional Anatomy, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and Faculty of Physical Therapy of Charles University, assistant professor
2020 - Licensed by the Czech Medical Association to perform the functions of a senior physician and chief physician
2017 - Hip MasterCourse, Gothenburg, Sweden
2015 - Revision Hip Course - Hamburg, Germany
2014 - Arthrex Knee Course - Munich, Germany
2014 - Hip and Knee MasterCourse Zimmer - Tallinn - Estonia
2007 - Ph.D. defense - topic: Biomechanics of the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint
1999-2006 - Postgraduate doctoral studies at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University, Prague, major in biomechanics
2005 - Licence of the Czech Medical Chamber for private medical practice in the field of orthopaedics
2002 - Sonography course - Examination of hip joints in childhood 2002 - Attestation of orthopaedics 1st degree
1993-1999 - 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University, degree of MUDr.
Focus / Professional profile
Endoprosthetics - knee, shoulder, hip
Sports traumatology and arthroscopy, reconstructive arthroscopy, cruciate ligament surgery, cartilage treatment (knee, shoulder, knee)
Shoulder joint surgery, rotator cuff reconstruction, shoulder instability surgery
Membership in professional societies
Czech Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Committee of the Society for Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy
What are we operating on?
Arthroscopy of the shoulder
Arthroscopy of the knee
Treatment of a ruptured meniscus
Treatment of articular cartilage
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